Password protected Pujas, Havans and other Talks

1981-0321 Birthday Puja Sydney
1981-0404 Shri Ganesha and Shri Gauri Puja  Sydney and longer video
1981-0407 Shri Lalita Havan Sydney
1981-0407 Marriages Sydney
1981-0809 Marriages Chelsham Road ashram
1981-0929 Navaratri Puja and longer version
1981 Brompton Square Construction Scenes
1982-02 Visit to Ekadasha Rudra Swayambhu Musalwadi, Rahuri
1982-0703 Seminar Q+A London
1982-0704 Guru Puja and Havan  and After Guru Puja
1987-0502 Evening Talk before Sahastrara Puja
1999-1226 Marriages in Ganapatipule
2010-1231 New Year Celebration Genoa Italy

Listing maintained by the Sahaja Library collective.